44 photographs
tagged withpropaganda
40th anniversary of socialist Poland, Warsaw
1984, PolandCommunist Party Congress, Bucharest. Ceaucescu in person and on poster
1970s, RomaniaParty Congress, Bucharest.
1970s, RomaniaCommunist Party Congress, Bucharest
1979, RomaniaFactory producing Lenin busts and statues, Moscow
1989, USSRTomb of the Unknown Soldier, Moscow
1988, USSRWomen's day at the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
1984, USSRPoster "10th Anniversary Stadium", Warsaw, 1970s
0, PolandEarly morning cleaning of Red Square, Moscow.
1988, USSRRed Square, Moscow
1988, USSRMoscow
1984, USSROficial May Day parade, Warsaw, 1983
1983, PolandBookstand with books written by Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu
1979, RomaniaPreparing the city of Warsaw before a communist party congress
1981, PolandA line of Volgas - the car of choice for Soviet officials, Moscow
1988, USSRElections in Riga, Latvia
1989, USSRRed Square, Moscow
1988, USSRFactory producing Lenin statues and monuments, Moscow
1989, USSRGoing home after May Day parade, Warsaw
1970s, PolandTea break at factory producing busts and statues of Lenin, Moscow
1989, USSRParty Congress as seen from street level, Moscow
1988, USSROld Age Pensioners' Home, Neubrandenburg
1984, East GermanyLenin monuments factory, Moscow
1989, USSROfficial May Day parade, Warsaw, 1982
1982, Poland